
xSkirk is our native currency that maintains the same value as Dai.


xSkirk is a token that is pegged to the value of 1 DAI (equivalent to 1 USD). However, due to its unique nature and functionality within our platform, the exchange process and associated benefits vary.

Acquiring xSkirk

You can acquire xSkirk by exchanging DAI on our platform. The acquisition price is $1.11 per xSkirk, as it functions as a loan. This higher price reflects the service cost and the additional functionalities it offers.

Using xSkirk

Once you have xSkirk, you can use it to:

  • Buy Acheron NFTs: These NFTs provide a variety of special benefits.

  • Buy Potion NFTs: These NFTs grant you xRewards in xSkirk, based on the fees earned by their liquidity pool.

Benefits of Acheron NFTs

Holders of Acheron NFTs enjoy several benefits, including:

  • getBounty Function: You can exchange your xSkirk for DAI at a rate of $1.10 per xSkirk by accessing this special function.

Converting xSkirk to DAI

If you wish to convert your xSkirk back to DAI, you have two options:

  1. Holders of Acheron NFTs: Using the getBounty function, you can exchange your xSkirk for DAI at a rate of $1.10 per xSkirk.

  2. Without Acheron NFTs: Using the burn function, you can exchange your xSkirk for DAI at a 1:1 rate.

Summary of Functions and Benefits

  • Buying xSkirk: Exchange at $1.11 per xSkirk.

  • Using xSkirk:

    • Buy Acheron NFTs.

    • Buy Potion NFTs.

  • Converting xSkirk to DAI:

    • With Acheron NFTs: $1.10 per xSkirk (using getBounty function).

    • Without Acheron NFTs: 1:1 rate (using burn function).

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the acquisition price of xSkirk $1.11?

The higher price reflects the service cost and the additional functionalities xSkirk offers, functioning as a loan.

What benefits do Acheron NFTs offer?

Acheron NFTs not only allow you to exchange xSkirk for DAI at a better rate of $1.10, but they also offer other exclusive benefits within the platform.

How do I earn xRewards with Potion NFTs?

Potion NFTs grant xRewards in xSkirk based on the fees earned by their liquidity pool, providing passive income to holders.

Last updated